Want to Expand
Your Family?

Picture of Lauren McCabe RD and Husband

It's ironic...

When we are younger, we are told that if we basically look at the opposite sex the wrong way, we will get pregnant, and are oftentimes bullied into going on the pill to prevent pregnancy. 

Flash forward 5, 10, 15 years, when we actually want to get pregnant, and we realize it isn’t as easy as it seems. 

Are you struggling to conceive?

No matter how long you have been trying to conceive and the method you are using, I can help increase your chances through nutrition and lifestyle changes. Optimizing your nutrition status prior to pregnancy is so important not just for conception, but it will also support you in having  a healthy pregnancy, delivery, and baby. 

Working with me for at least 3 months prior to conception, I can hep you understand your hormones, restore ovulation, regulate your menstrual cycle, optimize fertility, enhance egg quality, and greatly increase your chances of conceiving naturally. 

As an expert in women’s health nutrition, I can help support you on your fertility journey and accomplish your dreams of expanding your family. 

How I Can Help You:

  • Correct hormonal imbalances (because let’s face it, we can’t get pregnant if our hormones are all out of whack) 
  • Create a personalized nutrition care plan to nourish your body, restore hormone balance, optimize fertility, enhance egg quality, and prepare your body for a healthy pregnancy  
  • Provide simple, sustainable, and balanced recipe and meal ideas (I see you girl; you don’t have hours to spend in the kitchen!) 
  • Review of BBT charts and food and lifestyle journals 
  • Offer a weight neutral approach to meet your individual needs for healthy weight loss to support fertility if necessary. This means that we will not be focusing on the number on the scale but on building healthy behaviors, a healthy relationship with food, managing chronic conditions, and focusing on how you are feeling 
  • Counsel on sustainable lifestyle strategies including stress management, good sleep hygiene, and daily movement 
  • Guide you on selecting professional grade prenatal supplements 
  • Always judgement-free and compassionate care 
Picture of a positive pregnancy test

Are you ready to optimize your fertility and expand your family?!

As an expert in women’s health nutrition, I can help support you on your fertility journey and accomplish your dreams of expanding your family. 

Lotus symbol for fertility

Nutrition counseling for fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, & women's health

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