Congrats Mama
on Your BFP!

Picture of Lauren McCabe RD Pregnant

Let Me Guess...

You are probably ecstatic to be pregnant, but may also be feeling a little scared and overwhelmed by the responsibility of creating a safe and healthy environment for your baby for the next 9 months.

 You may be wondering, what should I be eating??? What should I be avoiding??? How should I be safely moving my body??? What prenatal supplements should I be taking??? How should I best be taking care of myself during this delicate time??? 

Trust me, I get it. I’ve been pregnant before so I know exactly how you may be feeling. 

As an expert in women’s health nutrition, I can help support you on your pregnancy journey to optimize your health and the health and development of your new bundle of joy. 

How I Can Help You:

  • Create a personalized nutrition care plan including what foods to maximize and what foods to limit/avoid to feel amazing and maintain high energy levels throughout your pregnancy 
  • Provide nutritional strategies to manage those pesky pregnancy symptoms including food aversions, nausea, fatigue, heartburn, constipation, cravings, and mood swings  
  • Prevent and manage pregnancy-related complications like nutrient deficiencies and gestational diabetes through a blood sugar balancing nutrient dense meal plan 
  • Guide you on selecting professional grade prenatal supplements
  • Counsel you on lifestyle strategies including stress management, sleep, and gentle movement
  • Offer nutritional advice to aide in postpartum recovery including make-ahead meal recipes and meal plans to support breastfeeding if that is your goal 
  • Always judgement-free and compassionate care to ensure a healthy pregnancy and safe delivery
Picture of pregnant woman exercising

Are you ready to have that healthy, glowing, and vibrant pregnancy of your dreams?

As an expert in women’s health nutrition, I can help support you on your pregnancy journey to optimize your health and the health and development of your new bundle of joy. 

Lotus symbol for fertility

Nutrition counseling for fertility, pregnancy, postpartum, & women's health

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